Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Busy and Broken

Hello everyone.  I know its been too long since I have posted.  But, I have discovered Live writer (Thanks to my dear Friend, Shannon).  So theoretically I should be able to post more now that it is easier.  My goal is to make this a routine and hopefully next year I can do the P365 challenge.  I know thats a big goal for procrastinators like myself.  We’ll see.  Now on to the stuff you came for.  Those spoiled sisters we love and adore. 

Isabella, well she gets smarter everyday and by default i get dumber. In her eyes anyways.  I swear its like watching myself when I was little.  I love her and she amazes me on a regular basis.  She has spent the past to days with Grandma and now she says she is ready for a sleepover.  I say okay, crying and dying inside that my baby will be 4 years old next month.  Yeesh, how did that happen.  I blinked!  This is the princess twirling in her Easter Dress.  The best part about getting dressed up. Don’t ya think?  Later in the day we all walked down to the 7-11 to get slurpees.  Bella took a drink, stopped walking, put her hand to her chest, and Sang out: “This drink makes me SING!!!”  Too funny!


Sophia, Sophia Sophia….  She broke her leg on Friday night.  The girls were running back and forth through the hallway, we heard a loud bang and Sophia start crying, Daddy picked her up and she would not put any weight on her right leg.  Off to the ER and home with a cast and my little Phia scared and in pain.  We went to the Ortho Doc on Monday and she got a Purple cast! Guess what she now knows the color and can say Purple.  So at least it is helping to teach her and broaden her Vocab.  It is a walking cast, and she is starting to get around pretty well. What a little fighter that one.  Here are some pics that I need to scrap of her.

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Elisia is 4 months old now and she just had the most adorable photo shoot done by my dear friend from High School. The photos came out amazing and I cant wait to share them with you.  Well she heard me typing about her and now she is waking up so I am cutting this short.  I will start with her update next time.


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